The way we shop is going through an overhaul – we now expect almost every conceivable product or service to be brought to us, wherever we are and whenever we want it.
According to the recent ‘Straight to you’ Mintel trend report, increasing smartphone ownership and advancements in delivery services have made it easier than ever for consumers to browse vast retail environments safe in the knowledge that whatever item they are looking for can be conveniently and cheaply delivered.
We have, however, reached a point where traditional delivery services are no longer cutting mustard, consumers are now craving even cheaper, faster and more convenient methods for receiving their goods, even if it costs a premium – with The Future Foundation reporting that a quarter (27%) of Brits would be happy to pay for premium delivery. E-Commerce giant Amazon has lead the way in advancing FMCG delivery, offering both a one-hour delivery option to Londoners and hundreds of local pick up points nationwide (and yes, even tempting us with the concept of drone delivery…). However, one example showing how a non-E-Commerce specific brand can capitalise on this trend comes from luxury retailer Thomas Pink, who introduced a 90-minute emergency shirt delivery service.

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Additionally, as digital becomes an increasingly important part of everyday life, so the craving for instant gratification moves into the physical world more and more too. Services originally constrained to the physical environment are increasingly becoming available and easily purchasable online. Take tech company Dixons for example, who are reportedly launching an on-demand tech support service who will dispatch engineers to remedy their customer’s tech troubles. Or French app ‘Eh Oh’ who will wash your car within an hour.
The overriding implication of this emerging trend is that the more of these hyper convenient services that pop up, the more consumers will expect this form of service. Soon next day delivery will be too slow and consumer controlled delivery will be expected of all brands regardless of category or service.