Welcome to another weekly dose of tech news. As ever, share anything interesting you spot with #OMDFWD.
- Facebook messenger begins testing ads
- Time Inc to acquire automated ad buying platform Adelphic inc
- Google took down 7bn ads in 2016, twice as many as in 2015.
- GenX more addicted to Social Media than Millennials
- 2016 was the first year that Facebook saw more mobile than desktop conversions for the entire Holiday Season
- 79% of all web traffic in India comes from Mobile devices.
- Denmark to appoint a digital ambassador to liaise with the leading tech companies
- Ford looks to make old vehicles more intelligent with Smart device plug-in
- Prepare to be able to feel everything you touch in virtual reality.
- Scientists worked out how to turn Hydrogen into metal. This could revolutionise technology and space flight
- New tech lets you control your smartwatch with just your breath
- How Google’s artificial intelligence platform invented its own language to enable better, faster translations.