Some big changes at WhatsApp, get ready for your self-driving taxi, Facebook gets into header bidding, do some good by playing a mobile app and prepare to get slimed in Virtual Reality.
- WhatsApp will begin sharing private information with Facebook and is preparing to allow businesses to message users
- You can now hail a self-driving taxi (in Singapore)
- Facebook rumoured to be getting into header bidding
- The new iOS 10 update could have a big impact on the ability to measure mobile conversions
- Some examples of how brands are using Facebook Live
- Why focusing on improving your digital product can be your most effective marketing
- This Mobile game can diagnose autism
- Ghostbusters fully immersive mixed reality experience
- Sea Hero quest is a Mobile App that has won 9 Cannes Lions, had more than 1 million downloads and provided scientists with 1770 years worth of lab-based Dementia research
- 11 reasons to be excited about the future of tech
- How technology hijacks your brain
- What’s going to be the long-term impact of electric vehicles?