The past week has seen certain sections of joe public up in arms after getting a peek behind the digital data curtain and not liking what they saw. But that’s likely more to do with the cabal of real-life bond villains employed by SCL who’s stupefying scheming around the globe – that may or may not be smoke and mirrors but is a great sell – came to light rather than the level of access to user-data that’s existed for years.
- Alibaba opens a car vending machine in China that gives free test drives but only if your social score is high enough
- Google will ask publishers to get users’ consent on its behalf to comply With EU Privacy Law
- Tag Manager 360 debuts approvals and zones enabling enterprise users to involve more stakeholders in the tagging process without needing to give them full Publish access.
- Mastermind behind €1 billion cyber bank robbery arrested.
- Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones. The use of topographical intelligence in business strategy
- A transcript of Rupert Howell’s speech to the Market Research Society in 2000 cropped up online, still relevant
- How you measure uncertainty and calculate something with that uncertainty.
- Artist hides secret code to $10,000 worth of cryptocurrencies in LEGO artworks
- A Twitter bot that colourises black and white images you tweet at it in seconds using machine learning. All the detail here
- How to break a wine glass with resonant frequency using Python
- A court ruled that Gollum is not evil.
- The Impact of the ePrivacy Regulation on Facebook and Google
- Does my algorithm have a mental-health problem?
- Net Promoter Score: a question aimed at determining the organization’s customer’s loyalty
- Despite having 71 million paying subscribers, Spotify lost $1.5 billion last year.