From talking robots and BBQ science to smart socks and wearable toys, check out the latest action from Austin:
Bots in the Wild – Hang with a Robot on the Streets of Austin
Is This Thing On? – The Internet of Things is destined to reshape cities, the workforce and the home, but it’s currently struggling to find the balance between meaningful data and a compelling user experience. Technologies often debut before the need for them has been defined, and often there’s a discrepancy between how these innovations function and if there is true value in it for the user.
Brand rebirth, by Brand – In case you’d missed it, Russell Brand has been on a transitional journey, and now he’s inspiring discussion about society and the world. Here’s how we translated the Brand story to a… brand story.
PANEL HIGHLIGHT – The Next Era of Marketing: Engagement
One clear theme emerged from Omnciom & Marketo’s panel at SXSW – we must put the consumer first. Here’s why:
1. They will find you.
Consumers are empowered on an unprecedented leve. With the digital tools and information available (for free), a consumer can do more research on your brand, company or product in 30 minutes than was possible 10 years ago. This is good news when a consumer finds you to be a potential partner, bad news when they decide you won’t be the right fit.
2. It’s not about the channels, but the journey.
If we don’t map the marketing journey from the perpsective of the consumer, we lose the opportunity for them to engage with us. Brands, organizations and even marketing departments must stop thinking inward and relfect outward.
3. Your corporate structure matters. A lot.
Each company has a brand identity and an internal structure of employees to fulfill this identity. But we must continue to support and grow our marketing roles and responsibilities. We must build bridges, break down silos and work holistically to ensure we tell one brand story. Consumers will move to the next brand quickly if you are not reaching them in a consistent and thoughtful way.
What do you want your employees to do in all functions to make your company successful? Meet customer needs, map the customer journey, care and customer service, skills and abilities – marketers must understand all media and platforms to meet the needs of your consumer.
4. Relationships are long-term.
Marketers need to nurture a relationship before we can sell someone on what we have. We are focused on an instant sell instead of creating long term relationships. You want your consumer to come back. The only way that happens is by building a long term bond based on trust and transparency.
5. Content is (still) king.
Without engaging content, your voice falls on deaf ears. However, content is not just what you say to your consumers. Now they are empowered to tell you more about your brand than you are telling them. Your brand is not who you say you are, it is who your customer says you are.