What’s happened this week:
- Official 2011 IAB Mobile ad spend figures were released showing mobile up 157% year on year to £203m (now larger than cinema but still less than 5% of the Internet total)
- ‘Now TV’ the new ‘over the top’ TV brand from Sky was announced.
- TV technology and business models are changing quickly as we finally see convergence between TV and IP.
- The UK budget saw tax breaks for the UK gaming industry to propel more investment in a sector that just surpassed video as the highest revenue entertainment sector.
What we have learned:
- Mobile device sales will outnumber PC sales 4:1 within 4 years from the ‘Future of Mobile’ presentation.
- Facebook now drives 30% of The Guardian’s referral traffic, up from 2% 6 months ago, all due to Open Graph apps.
- For one day last week Google Chrome was the most used web browser worldwide, it is unlikely to be the last.
Cool stuff:
- Wal-Mart are cleverly linking digital and physical products by providing codes to access hidden Angry Birds Space levels in merchandise sold in stores.
- The universal construction kit is a 3D printed connector to link various hitherto incompatible construction toys like Lego and Duplo. Very much a symbol of our connected times.
- Great examples of brands using Facebook Brand Timelines.
Where to find more:
- The impact of Social Media on the entertainment industry.
- How Spotify is pioneering a ‘hyper social’ business model.
- Robotics is an industry forecast to hit the mainstream in the next few years. (Amazon bought a robotics company for USD775m last week).