This Week in Digital – 26th November 2012

Twid-Nov OMD

What’s happened in digital this week:

  • The UK government launched its initial guidelines for the midata initiative in which companies are strongly encouraged to release back personal data to their customers.
  • The UK government received clearance to invest GBP500m in rural broadband, bringing superfast connections to far more places. In cities white space Wi-Fi will use the gaps between TV signals to create yet more bandwidth.
  • Black Friday in the US saw significant shifts in online shopping behavior, with over USD 1bn spent in one day and 16% of sales (up from 10% last year) happening on Mobile devices, especially tablets.

What we have learned:

  • 35% of The Guardian’s web traffic now comes from mobile up from 10% in early 2011, illustrating that mobile is now a mature scaled opportunity that needs to be a top priority for all in 2013.
  • Around 40% of US mobile and tablet owners use their device whilst watching TV on a daily basis, part of the increasing body of evidence that dual screening is a mass-market behaviour.

Cool stuff:

Where to find more:

  • Deep learning is a new idea gaining traction in Silicon Valley in which neural networks mimic the brain to perform tasks hitherto only completed by people.
  • Google Fibre is now connecting customers in Kansas City and it seems to be a highly disruptive product.
  • The Verge has an in depth report on the fight for the connected Living Room with analysis of all the major players and battlegrounds around the world.



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