What’s happened this week:
- Google launched ‘Keep’ a note taking competitor to the Digital Evernote and the analogue Post-it note.
- Apple bought indoor GPS company WifiSlam for USD 20m, potentially driving more sophisticated mapping features in stores and offices.
- Google announced they are to allow bidding against copyrighted terms worldwide as of late April 2013.
What we have learned:
- BI’s latest Future of Mobile deck tells us that mobile devices outsell PCs 2:1, Apple and Google (Android) platforms support 60% of the world’s computing devices.
- More people watch TV on a tablet in the bedroom than on a TV set.
- Generation C represent the creative, connected community (rather than an age range) new research from Google illustrates how they consume (and produce) media differently.
Cool stuff:
- Cool uses of Augmented Reality from Japan including an amazing idea to create a kids version of a daily newspaper through AR.
- Microsoft’s Kinect for Windows is being used for all sorts of serious applications from healthcare to retail.
- Worldwide Maze is a Chrome experiment from Google Japan that converts any web page in to a playable maze on your smartphone.
Where to find more:
- *How data is re writing the rules of TV as engagement and extension are added to viewership as key value metrics.
- The Digital opportunity is opening up for Grocery brands worldwide, from online delivery to digital coupons and comparison shopping.
- Accenture believe that the TV industry has a huge opportunity to capitalise on the Digital delivery of content to the main screen.
TWiD will take its Easter break next week, we will be back on the 8th of April.