What’s happened this week:
- Facebook announced a shift to an objective based advertising buying and reporting model.
- Facebook also bought mobile analytics company Onavo for USD 100-200m, another step for the increasingly mobile centric Social Network.
- Intel announced new chips designed to propel the penetration of the Internet of Things.
What we have learned:
- 34% of US millennials watch little or no broadcast TV.
- There will be 760m connected TV sets worldwide by 2018, up from 300m this year according to Digital TV Research.
- Global broadband subscriptions will rise to 925m in 2018 up from 650m early this year.
Cool stuff:
- Major League Baseball’s use of the new Apple iBeacon technology elegantly illustrates the potential for interactivity in retail spaces.
- Super simple to use visualization with cloud service Raw, allows copy and paste of data to create amazing visualization.
- Blinkwashing is a new way to control video with our eyes in this new initiative from Virgin Mobile USA.
Where to find more:
- Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends range from the well-known 3d printing and Internet of Things to the less well understood Software Defined Anything (SDx) and Cloud Service Broker.
- Can DRM technology be the answer to protecting our Personal Data? Microsoft thinks it might.
- Google Now has been developing alongside the Knowledge Graph during 2013, its card based structure has the potential to disrupt many sectors as our ‘lives become data’.