On our third blog we’re going to talk about three amazing speakers.
Jamie Oliver
The passion that Jamie spoke with was inspiring to hear. He left Vicky in tears as he talked about the need to educate children around the world about food. From a media point of view he talked about the different demographics that consumed his brand; it sways from 70% female for his books to 60% male for his YouTube channel. He spoke about the realisation that content and media are not used in the same way today as they were 17 years ago, which is why he created the curated platform FoodTube to appeal and engage with a new audience.
Tim Berners Lee
Tim was a real eccentitric and unlike the other speakers he did not have an interviewer on stage. He talked about how artificial intelligence will start taking over corporations. He also posed the interesting question will Siri start working in her own favour and suggesting things that make her money? He also questioned whether robots would need the same rights as humans. Overall it was a fascinating talk that posed lots of new and interesting questions.
Pharrell Williams
We made sure to get to Pharrell extra early to get a place. He spoke about how multitasking fuels creativity as it gives him different outlets to express himself. When asked what gave him the confidence to play in different fields he laughed and said he was just delusional. His biggest focus was on intention. He felt that great work come from great intentions. Like previous talks this came back to authenticity. Ryan Seacrest asked him how at 42 he looked like he was 27, he answered that a curious mind was a young mind and he was always curious. Pharrell was a real inspiration.
Until tomorrow,
Rosie, Vicky, Lee and Nicola