It’s now 45 weeks since we started sharing our weekly Covid-19 Consumer Impact Reports, and it’s crazy to think we are now into the first week of February. In this week’s report we look at a host different consumer behaviors from feelings around connecting with family and friends during the third lockdown and thoughts around improving personal health and fitness at the start of the year.
The key take outs from this week’s report are:
- Happiness levels have slumped back this week, now standing at 29% (-6ppts) which takes us back to the same position the nation were in in the first week of January. However, we have seen green shoots of positivity as optimism for the future has seen a sizable 7ppt increase this week.
- Feelings of being connected to family and friends, and connected to the community is much lower in Lockdown #3 compared to the first lockdown, with 42% of the nation now stating to feel less connected to their friends and family.
- Confidence in the Government is now at it’s highest since May – largely driven by the perception of a successful roll out of the vaccines.
- A third of the nation will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with their loved ones, with a fifth stating that they’ll be celebrating with someone outside of their household.
- The good intentions seen at the start of January of improving personal health and fitness seem to have started to tail off, with drops seen in those exercising, and increases seen in those purchasing fast food this week. Additionally, the percentage of people treating themselves has increased throughout January
You can read the full report below.
If you have any questions about any of the data, please contact [email protected].