Going ‘Back to the Future’ with PEPSI MAX

BACK TO THE FUTURE DAY is here! With brands jumping aboard the ‘future’ bandwagon and as a key brand throughout the second film, Pepsi was really feeling the pressure to recreate the famous PEPSI PERFECT.

Even The LAD Bible challenged the Pepsi marketing team to deliver not only the fictional PEPSI PERFECT, but an experience to go with it, allowing the fans to really celebrate the 21st October 2015.










OMD UK has responded to The LAD Bible with the ultimate DeLorean experience!

Working with AMV BBDO, we have partnered with Uber to transform the typical cab into a DeLorean, and drive the lads from The LAD Bible around London, providing them with a PEPSI PERFECT each.

Follow Pepsi Max throughout today as we launch content from the DeLorean on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat. You can even follow conversations @PepsiMaxUK @TheLadBible for the code to unlock your very own DeLorean experience!


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