The Future of Parenting launch

If you have been reading OMD UK’s blog for a while, you will know that we take immense pride in our Future of Britain suite that considers real Brits’ behaviours and attitudes on societal topics.

Launched five years ago, after the London Olympics and the worst recession that this century has known, we wanted to understand how consumers’ purchase behaviour and attitudes had shifted. Since then we have covered diverse topics from Families, Christmas and Generations, to Sports and Retail.  All our blog posts related to these themes can be found here.

We are now pleased to announce that we are finalising our latest addition to the family; Future of Parenting with our friends at Trinity Mirror Solutions.

Following the insight that the marketing industry’s obsession with outdated parental stereotypes, millennial mums and traditional targeting methods show no signs of slowing, we wanted to help our clients understand how to resonate better with parents and how to target them.

We conducted an exploratory qualitative phase on our community – talking to 20 mums and dads of all age groups, followed by the launch an online survey with over 2,000 respondents across all regions and ages. Furthermore, we conducted implicit response testing to add depth to the findings.

In order to help brands increase how much they resonate with mums and dads we focussed our analysis on the pressure felt by parents, the share of tasks between both genders and why brands fail to meet parents’ expectations.

We considered numerous dimensions which included the composition of families, how parents rate themselves and see the perfect parent, their relationship with their own parents and how parenting has changed. Finally, to underpin this we researched just how well brands are doing at being parent friendly.

Our research showed that a worrying high 89% of parents feel that advertising does not represent their experience of parenthood well (source: Future of Parenting, OMD UK/TMG).

Our research will be officially launched at the end of this month, so watch this space for more informative insights from this research.


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