This week’s biggest stories, powered by Newsroom

We take a look back at the biggest trending stories of the week, from Twitter’s new promoted stickers to the five-day Junior Doctors strike.

What’s Up Doc?

The Junior Doctors are about to have the biggest strike in NHS history. So far this year, we have seen a maximum of a two-consecutive-day walkout, but on September 12th, the all-out walkout will last five straight days.

Already, over 100k appointments and operations have been postponed for a later date, as the general public will be looking to over the counter staff and local GP’s for problems during this time.

A Change Is Gonna Come

So it looks like WhatsApp will be open for business by the end of the year. The company that was bought by Facebook is still being pretty ambiguous as to how it’s going to monetise business communications with users, but it does mean we could be seeing some changes. Though the company is keen not to disrupt the interface directly, its collected user data will be shared so there can be direct communications to targeted and hopefully relevant audiences.

Eyes and ears to the ground as more info comes through. Read here and here for more in-depth hypotheses.

The New Way To Hashtag

More tech news for you with the release of the promoted Twitter stickers in the UK. This gives brands between 4 – 8 stickers, which users can use on their own pictures, like Snapchat props, which are seen as visual hashtags. The organic way that users interact with the #stickers makes for a much more authentic connection to others who are connected with the brand (much like standard hashtags, only a lot more creative and subtle).

This way, brand presence can be high without being too “in your face” for consumers.


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