I step out of Hugo Pinto’s session and my phone buzzes – CityMapper is warning me that my commute home is ROUTE DISPRUPTED – there has been a controlled detonation of an object found on the Jubilee line. AI or programming?
We are on the cusp of the new big thing. And Hugo Pinto’s Innovation Week session – ‘From User Experience to Human Experience (with help of AI:)’, gave some great insight on this. We now have incredible amounts of user data coming in, but how do we get users to trust this data – this is the key to it all.
IBM acquired The Weather Company in Oct 2015 and they have been developing some great AI-focused solutions with all this new data. Pinto’s team decided to develop a system for asthma sufferers using key data from all The Weather Company’s satellites. Drawing information around a person affected by asthma – humidity, weather, pollen, pollution etc., they could track how often a person would use their inhaler and what all the variables were in play at that exact time and place. Then the AI could track all those variables in real-time and alert them as to when to use their preventative inhaler and therefore reduce the risk of an asthma attack. This opens up a whole new source of data, for example when someone wants to book a holiday they can now check the asthma risk at that time of year in that location. This data combined with AI is helping effect life choices.
We have entered a new era of augmented intelligence, in which technology is removing the physical barriers of human expectation.