In a packed room at London’s Royal Society of Medicine, some of media’s finest gathered for MediaTel’s fascinating Future of Media Research 2015 conference earlier this week. With a full agenda and some of the sharpest minds sharing their insights, it was a brilliant event that explored the key themes in media research.
Among those speaking was our own Rian Shah – Managing Partner, Strategy – who joined representatives from Havas Media, comScore and Videology to discuss whether we are able to reflect the changing needs of brands and consumers while the status quo is constantly evolving.
Rian shared the background of our pioneering Future of Britain research that has helped some of the world’s biggest advertisers truly understand how the nation is changing. He also spoke about how our Future of Families research delved deeper into how UK families are consuming media.
Conversation quickly moved onto how brands are using programmatic trading to reach their audiences and how media agencies can effectively use this data to map people’s movements through media and brands.
Rian noted that OMD UK is rapidly unlocking insights from new sources and adding these into the wider mix, stating: “sometimes we’re surprised by what we see.” This thought was echoed by his fellow panellists who agreed that media is rapidly evolving – Catherine Hallam from Videology observed that “TV is no longer the box in the corner of the lounge” – and we need to combine new insights with those that we already have.
There was no doubt in the room that our understanding of people is constantly expanding and new insights are adding to our ability to effectively reach people in the right places and at the right times.