This week, prepare to start paying for your favourite news content on Facebook, Google is doing more to hunt down fraudulent ads on exchanges, how to best determine the audience of your podcasts, we explain what Amazon Choice is and FINALLY, you can measure your pets effectiveness at playing fetch.
- Facebook to start putting certain Instant Articles behind a paywall
- Google is running secret tests to detect fraudulent ads sold on exchanges
- YouTube rolls out their anti-terrorism initiative to combat online extremism.
- According to comScore, 5-6 second ads are the optimum length to grab a Millennials attention
- Check out the new IAB guidelines on how to best measure the effectiveness of your Podcasts
- Q2 branded content benchmarks. Mobile outperforms Desktop again
- Becoming the ‘Amazon Choice’ is how to become an individual’s recommended brand when they order with Alexa.
- Ever wondered how to monitor your pet’s fitness when playing catch? WONDER NO MORE
- Your fingerprint is now your passport. Delta airlines launches fingerprint boarding passes
- Feeling peckish in your Uber? A company called Cargo wants to launch In-Uber vending machines.
- How Smartphone payments are wiping out cash in China
- The top 10 Digital trends affecting organisations and the world around them
- The best defence against cyber-attacks by Artificial Intelligence is being defended by another Artificial Intelligence
and finally, The Rock shows us all how to get the best out of Siri.