Welcome to another shiny edition of FWD. This week, Alexa now comes with a screen, Chatbots are the future of customer service, Voice devices get even more popular, and your next home will be built by a 3D printer (maybe).
- A hero will rise. How a security blogger halted the global ransomware attack
- Amazon to launch the Echo Show, Alexa with a screen
- Twitter signs a Multi-year deal to stream the NFL
- How Chatbots could save companies billions
- 3 ways to use Social Media analytics to quantify purchase intent
- Voice activated connected device usage jumps 130 percent
- Google’s new AI Selfie/Emoji creator
- American Express launch a new Alexa Skill that lets you pay your bills using just your voice
- MIT’s giant 3D Printer can build a house in only 14 hours
- Is this the future of VR? What it feels like to experience Facebook Spaces
- The impact of Amazon on the clothing apparel market
- What trends in China reveal about the Future of Commerce