This Week in Digital – 17th September 2012

Twid-Sep OMD

What’s happened this week:

What we have learned:

Cool stuff:

  • Intel is exploring an interesting new form of PC; the adaptive all-in-one is essentially a 27” tablet to drag around the house.
  • Universal Music has created a YouTube interactive timeline for Abba. It illustrates how non-linear video can be used for marketing compilation products.
  • The xx have a clever idea to map the viral spread of their album

Where to find more:

  • * Ground Truth is a huge project in mapping from Google that tells us a lot about the future application of Digital data.
  • What will our ‘phones’ look like in 2022? Calls will be a tiny feature of these devices. They will be considered an extension of ourselves that represent us in the Digital realm.
  • Web 3.0 is being built by tagging 5trn web pages that generate 100bn clicks per day to create an open but incredibly personal web of information.



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