Movember 2013 launch

It’s that time again! Autumn is well underway, summer memories are becoming more and more rose-tinted, and it’s time to look forward to darkening mornings, ever-increasing layers, and one whole month of charitable facial hair.

This November, driven by Harry Packshaw, Doug Faulkner and Chira Tochia, OMD UK will be keeping a warm upper lip to support Movember for the second year running. Starting out in the sunny climes of Australia, Movember has spread from 30 friends to over 3 million ‘Mo Bros’ and ‘Mo Sistas’ worldwide, who come together annually to shed light on men’s health issues including prostate and testicular cancer as well as mental health challenges.

Our MO-MD team is 13 strong as of today, and we hope that it will grow throughout the month as mo’ people around the agency are inspired by the team’s efforts. Their team page is here (, and is a fantastic place to show your support, learn about the movement, and donate what you can to help a great cause. Any new recruits are welcome to sign up there too!

We’ll be keeping tabs on the team’s progress here on our OMD UK blog, as well as showing how even the un-‘tached amongst us can get involved with the action. Finally, come the end of the month, we’ll celebrate the finest facial furniture in OMD UK Towers with some special prizes, and a final round-up of our fundraising achievements.

So, without further ado, please welcome our starting team!

Chira Tochia (CAPTAIN)

Ben Halpin

Bradley McManus

Daniel Augustine

Doug Faulkner

Geet Kashyap

Harry Packshaw

Louis Mayne

Matt Woodman

Milton Elias

Rob Feaver

Sam Budd

Thomas Mennetrier



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