OMD UK and Childline launch #ToughToTalk campaign

With boys being six times less likely than girls to seek support from Childline for suicidal feelings, the charity wanted to help turn around this growing issue so that boys feel more empowered to talk about these feelings and seek help.

We’ve teamed up with Don’t Panic London to launch our new ‘Tough To Talk’ campaign. The emotive campaign video expresses the key message that ‘you’re not alone in how you’re feeling’. By distributing the asset across social channels, YouTube and Snapchat with a complementing Ladbible partnership to drive deeper engagement around this topic, we aim to reach our audience to open up this very important conversation.

The campaign has already trended on YouTube and Reddit with video views growing rapidly – and JK Rowling even retweeted the campaign video within the first hour of it launching!

Check it out below:


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