Britain, are you saving?

With price-hikes, austerity measures, own-brands and coupon codes becoming mainstays of the national conversation, OMD UK is asking the British public: what are you doing to save this year?

Even though many reports are citing encouraging economic growth, and say that Britain seems to have weathered the worst of the recession, it’s clear that we’ve all learned lessons from the past few years. We have become more savvy shoppers, less charitable donors, and we are always looking for more bang for our buck.

Or are we?

It’s time to get involved. We’re looking for more Future of Britain insight as to how the British public’s attitude to money has changed after the downturn. We believe there’s more behind the headlines, so we’re asking you:

Will you be cruising this summer or ‘staycationing’?

Have you postponed your home improvements or do you still have grand designs in mind?

Have you re-discovered the joy and good value of a home cooked meal or are you eating out now more than ever?

We’re keen to hear all about your saving stories, so let us know.


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